Goodwill Retail Store

20 E. Main St.
Festus, Missouri 63028
(636) 933-0103

This is the Goodwill Retail Store located in Festus, MO. Get shopping today and find great prices on products at the Goodwill Retail Store. Shop items at Goodwill Retail Store like clothing, furniture, souvenirs, homegoods, antique items, accessories, and so much more.

Goodwill Retail Store Information

Hours for Goodwill Retail Store

Monday-Saturday: 9:00am-6:00pm
Sunday: 12:00pm-5:00pm

What types of items are sold at Goodwill Retail Store?

Goodwill Retail Store in Festus MO

The Goodwill Retail Store in Festus, MO sells many types of unique items to shop that include all types of clothing, furniture, novelty, homegoods, antiques, accessories, and more unique secondhand items you won't find anywhere else.

thrift clothing used furniture novelty items home items antiques other items

Located in Jefferson County

Thrift stores like Goodwill Retail Store allow shoppers to find products like unique clothing, homegoods items, antiques, novelty items, and even furniture at certain stores. Thrift stores are known for their bargain deals on items that you won't be able to find at your local department stores. So shop at Goodwill Retail Store or any other thrift shop in or around Festus. You'll be amazed at items that you can find at local thrift and resale shops.